We care about Your Privacy!

We respect your privacy
We do not spam and we never sell or share our user data

We have compiled information for you here about how we collect, store and use your personal information

Keeping your data secure.

Repositories in the Cloud

All file transfers are encrypted and the template files are saved in a unique proprietary format of Assist-Ant.
The software periodically synchronizes the list of templates in the repositories to which the user is registered.

Smart Learning

The software learns texts written by the user. Saves the information locally only in an encrypted format. This information is not sent to the server at any stage!

Public Repositories

Assist-Ant offers a range of public repositories containing laws, orders, regulations, and more, curated by our team. We also welcome content creators to collaborate with us in creating public repositories for their communities. These repositories are open for use by all and are accessible through our software.

Organizational Repositories

With the software it is possible to create "templates" for use by the department or the organization. Each template is associated with a repository, and its manager can assign read, edit, or administrative permissions to authorized users.

Personal Repositories

With the help of the software you can create "templates" for personal use.These organizations are under your personal management, under your control, the ability to share and assign privileges.

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